Monday, May 25, 2015

Bees that buzz, kids who blow dandelion fuzz, and I'll be doing whatever snow does in suummmmmmer... Sorry, just a friendly "Frozen" quote of the day.
How is everyone? I'm doing swell this Memorial Day! What are everyone's plans? Barbecues? Hanging with friends and family? Great plans! We've recently gotten iPads in our mission so they'll be great tool for missionary work and a blast to have! Watch out for the selfies. They'll probably come. Just saying.
How's the week been? Anything cool happened? Anything journal worthy? Anything 'tell Elder Adams, even though he's two thousand miles away' happening?
This week has been interesting for me.
Monday: Zone Interviews, spent all day with other missionaries getting
trained and also meeting with the President.
Tuesday: P-day/ driving to where we were going to stay the night in Maine.
Wednesday: Mission Wide training in Exeter NH for the iPads/ driving
home. (Several long hours in a car).
Thursday: normal missionary day.
Friday: also normal missionary day.
Saturday and Sunday: stayed in the apartment because my companion was
sick days.

As I said, it's been interesting. Anyways, that was the summary of my week! Y'all are awesome! Have a marvelous week!

Elder Adams
Sent from my iPad

How has your week been? Mine has been good! Lots of sunshine and wearing on my shoes! We've been out and about talking to loads of people! It is warming up here and we've been getting plenty of rain! A new man just moved into the area, D..., he was meeting with the Missionaries in California and wants to be baptized so he was at church on Sunday and we talked to him a while, when we were there! Talk about a miracle!

Anything new and awesome coming up? What are all of your plans for summer? Vacations? Stay-cations? Visiting Family? Going to strange and exotic places?
I'm doing great and have been striving to be as Christ-like as I can be! That is something that has been really stressed in our meetings recently. Make sure that as we are out and working to be representing Christ as he would want to be represented. Have a good week everyone!

Elder Adams

There are two Elder Adams serving in the NHMM!
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I'm doing fantastic! My week has been a blast! How has yours' been?

Anything new and exciting? New adventures on the horizon? So, my week has been of course, pretty busy. Most of our appointments fell through, so we've been walking around and talking to people. Been walking loads of places!

This week's weather has been awesome. In the 70s and 80s. Reminds me of California with the humidity added to it. When we go to start working, it smells and feels just like Tulare. (where my Parents are from). It's so awesome.

Oh, and the trees are no longer just tall sticks, most of them have buds, and flowers, and leaves! It's great! So, basically, here come the tourists. Loads of new people to talk to! This is gonna be great!

Does everyone know how awesome Mother's Day is? I'm just saying it is amazing! First one of my mission, and it was just awesome! Skyping home was fantastic.

I know this Church is true, and I know the message that we bear is for all the world to hear. I know that by living the Gospel, we can inherit eternal life and live once more with our Heavenly Father in Heaven. If you don't yet have a testimony of this, please, I exhort you to get one. Read the Book of Mormon, and pray and ask our Heavenly Father if it is true. He will "manifest the truth of it unto you" I promise you that, and can testify of that. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Have a good week everyone! That is all I have!

Elder Adams

I swear, where does the time go? This isn't cool. I've almost been out for 8 months, and I can testify that this has been the fastest 8 months of my life. It's just ridiculous.

How is everyone doing? Anything awesome happening? This week has been pretty good. Nothing hugely exciting. Doesn't seem like there ever is. We had a good stake conference over the weekend. Elder Golden of the 70 was there as well as Elder Titera. I'm not sure as to their specific callings, just know they are of the 70. It was pretty cool. The spirit was strong throughout the entire meetings. Awesome being able to hear from those men.

Awesome stone we found when we were knocking doors. I thought it was really funny. Also, The snow is finally all gone. The Sun is shining and it is near the 70s. It is so great! After a long winter, this feels awesome.

I would like to bear my testimony on Scripture study. I have realized that over the course of my mission I have learned much more from the scriptures than I thought possible. I've made connections and looked at it and truly applied it to myself, wondering how this particular scripture applies to. I know the scriptures are there to help us, especially for the book of Mormon. Which was written for our day.  Use it's power to help you and those around you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

That is really all I have for you this week! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Alright everyone! How are you all doing? I'm doing marvelous! Hope all is going well, I know it is with me! Nothing really too exciting happened this week, but hey, we can't have something exciting happen every week. Then the exciting things wouldn't be as exciting right? So, anyways.
A brief testimony of the power of Prayer. I honestly have been blessed to not feel homesick over the course of my mission so far. Except for a couple of days ago. That is when it hit me pretty hard. Without going into too much depth, I knelt and prayed to my Heavenly Father, talked with him. Explained what was going on and what I felt would help. I told him, that I wasn't going to stop working. In fact I was going to work even harder now. So, as soon as I closed my prayer,  and stood up, those feelings departed instantly. I know that Heavenly Father is there and that he loves us all very much. Just imagine if we remembered our life beforehand in the Pre-exsistence with our Heavenly Father. We would be so homesick that we wouldn't know what to do at all. I know that we can make it back to our Heavenly Father to live with him eternally. I'm so very grateful to be out here on a mission striving to share the way back to our Heavenly Father, and being a messenger of God.

Have a good week everyone!

Elder Adams
Hey! How is everyone doing? I'm doing awesome!
So, this week on my mission....
Let's start off with Tuesday, awesome Zone Meeting, then exchange. Whilst on the exchange in my area, get a phone call from my actual companion saying that he and our District Leader are going to the Hospital. Due to abdominal pain. So we followed. Ended up waiting for a couple of hours and then went back to the apartment with my exchange companion. Then at about 1 in the morning, my companion and our district leader show up from the hospital with results that say nothing is wrong. What the heck.
Then Saturday, we went to an Island. Walked around it for an hour or so, realized that we wouldn't get much work done. So, we turned around and walked to the ferry to take us back to the mainland. As I reached for my ticket, I found that nothing was there. I lost it. I almost got my companion and I stuck/stranded on an Island. Luckily, my companion was generous enough to buy me a ticket to get back to the Main(e)land.
You know, the Spirit works in interesting ways. He flat out told me that I'd lose my ticket if I put it in my back pocket. I reasoned with myself that that wouldn't happen and I was just worrying. Then boom it was gone. So, anyways, the Spirit is the Comforter, but also a voice of warning. Heed it. I testify of the Power of the Holy Ghost. He is real, and he is there to help you. Just like your Heavenly Father, and older brother Jesus Christ is there to help you. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.